Classified ads
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 CBinaryFileCarrier-class for binary blob
 CCACarrier-class for classified ad
 CCaDbRecordData record in distributed database
 CConnection::ConnectionObserverInterface for receiving network traffic
 CContactCarrier-class for a profile that is in contacts-list
 CHashHash is class that carries 160-bit digest
 CJSonWrapperClass for wrapping engine to (de)serialize json
 CMNodeModelProtocolInterfacePure-virtual interface of nodemodel
 CMVoiceCallEnginePure-virtual interface for voice call engine
 CNetworkRequestExecutor::NetworkRequestQueueItemWork queue item
 CNodeNode is a peer in network
 CPrivMessageCarrier-class for private msg inside classified ads
 CProfileCommentCarrier-class for comments of a profile
 CProtocolMessageFormatterThis class produces items sent to peers over network
 CPublishItemCarrier for keeping state of item about to be published
 CSendQueueItemSend-queue item
 CTclProgramCarrier-class for TCL-program and related settings
 CVoiceCallCarrier-class handling audio negotiation setup and data