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CaDbRecord::SearchStructure Struct Reference

#include <cadbrecord.h>

Collaboration diagram for CaDbRecord::SearchStructure:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

bool operator== (const struct SearchStructure &aItemToCompare) const
bool operator< (const struct SearchStructure &aItemToCompare) const
QByteArray asJSon () const
bool fromJSon (const QByteArray &aJSon)

Public Attributes

Hash iFromCollection
Hash iById
quint32 iModifiedAfter
quint32 iModifiedBefore
qint64 iByHavingNumberMoreThan
qint64 iByHavingNumberLessThan
QString iBySearchPhrase
Hash iBySender

Detailed Description

Data structure for expressing db record search conditions

Member Function Documentation

◆ asJSon()

QByteArray CaDbRecord::SearchStructure::asJSon ( ) const

returns db record search as JSon stream

◆ fromJSon()

bool CaDbRecord::SearchStructure::fromJSon ( const QByteArray &  aJSon)

initializes values from JSon

◆ operator<()

bool CaDbRecord::SearchStructure::operator< ( const struct SearchStructure aItemToCompare) const

Less-than-operator. If from 2 queries A and B the result-set if A is subset of resultset of B, then A<B. Practical example is search by phrase "the king has left the building" compared to search by phrase "king" where resultset of first phrase includes all records with words "the", "king", "has" etc. while search by phrase "king" only includes all records with words "king". Because resultset from first searh includes all records with only word "king", thus "king"<"the king has left the building".

◆ operator==()

bool CaDbRecord::SearchStructure::operator== ( const struct SearchStructure aItemToCompare) const


Member Data Documentation

◆ iByHavingNumberLessThan

qint64 CaDbRecord::SearchStructure::iByHavingNumberLessThan

Biggest permissible special search number

◆ iByHavingNumberMoreThan

qint64 CaDbRecord::SearchStructure::iByHavingNumberMoreThan

Smallest permissible special search number

◆ iById

Hash CaDbRecord::SearchStructure::iById

Exact db record identifier

◆ iBySearchPhrase

QString CaDbRecord::SearchStructure::iBySearchPhrase

Search phrase

◆ iBySender

Hash CaDbRecord::SearchStructure::iBySender

Limits results by publishing profile

◆ iFromCollection

Hash CaDbRecord::SearchStructure::iFromCollection

Search from which collection

◆ iModifiedAfter

quint32 CaDbRecord::SearchStructure::iModifiedAfter

Earliest permissible modification time

◆ iModifiedBefore

quint32 CaDbRecord::SearchStructure::iModifiedBefore

Latest permissible modification time

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: