Classified ads
CAudioMixer::AudioFrameStruct | |
CAudioMixer::AudioStreamMetadata | |
CBinaryFile | Carrier-class for binary blob |
CCA | Carrier-class for classified ad |
CMVoiceCallEngine::CallData | |
▼CClassifiedAdsModel::CAObserver | |
CCAListingModel | Model-class for helping display of classified ads |
CConnectionListingModel::ConnectionDisplayItemStructure | |
▼CConnection::ConnectionObserver | Interface for receiving network traffic |
CNetworkListener | Class for listening to incoming network connections |
CContact | Carrier-class for a profile that is in contacts-list |
CHash | Hash is class that carries 160-bit digest |
CMNodeModelProtocolInterface::HostConnectQueueItemStructure | |
CJSonWrapper | Class for wrapping engine to (de)serialize json |
▼CMCallStatusObserver | |
CCallStatusDialog | Class for displaying voice call controls |
▼CMVoiceCallEngine::MCallStatusObserver | |
CRingtonePlayer | Class for alerting user in case of incoming call |
CMetadataQueryDialog::MetadataResultSetStruct | |
▼CMNodeModelProtocolInterface | Pure-virtual interface of nodemodel |
CMockUpNodeModel | Not a real part datamodel. debugging aid |
CNodeModel | This is node-specific part of the datamodel |
▼CMVoiceCallEngine | Pure-virtual interface for voice call engine |
CMockUpVoiceCallEngine | |
CVoiceCallEngine | Network-related logic for handling voice channel between nodes |
CNetworkRequestExecutor::NetworkRequestQueueItem | Work queue item |
CNode | Node is a peer in network |
CPrivateMessageSearchModel::PrivateMessageListItem | |
CPrivMessage | Carrier-class for private msg inside classified ads |
CProfileComment | Carrier-class for comments of a profile |
CProfileCommentListingModel::ProfileCommentListItem | |
CProtocolMessageFormatter | This class produces items sent to peers over network |
CPublishItem | Carrier for keeping state of item about to be published |
▼CQAbstractListModel | |
CProfileSearchModel | Model-class for performing a name-based search of profiles. This is supposed to act as an underlying data-container for an user-interface view (QListView etc.) |
CSearchModel | Model-class for performing text-based searches on objects in db This datamodel part is dual-use ; it inherits listmodel so that it may be used as underlaying data-container for list views. It may also be used as engine of network searches that happen invisibly to user e.g. those queries do not modify the content shown to UI via QAbstractListModel |
▼CQAbstractTableModel | |
CBinaryFileListingModel | Model-class for helping display of shared binary blobs, usually from a profile |
CConnectionListingModel | Model-class for displaying open network connections This is the underlying data-container of the "network status" dialog |
CContactListingModel | Model-class for performing search on contact-list contacts This is supposed to act as an underlying data-container for an user-interface view (QTableView etc.) |
CPrivateMessageSearchModel | Model-class for performing search on private messages. This is supposed to act as an underlying data-container for an user-interface view (QListView etc.) |
CProfileCommentListingModel | Model-class for performing search on comments about a profile. This is supposed to act as an underlying data-container for an user-interface view (QListView etc.) |
CProfileReadersListingModel | Model-class for helping display of readers of a profile |
CVoiceCallEngine | Network-related logic for handling voice channel between nodes |
▼CQDialog | |
CAboutDialog | Class for displaying brief information about this sw |
CCallStatusDialog | Class for displaying voice call controls |
►CDialogBase | Base-class for content-posting dialogs of classified ads |
CEditContactDialog | Class for editing a contact-list item |
CInsertLinkDialog | Class for editing link to be inserted into edited text |
CManualConnectionDialog | Class for manually adding node connection wishlist-item |
CMetadataQueryDialog | Class for querying metadata of file about to get published |
CPasswdDialog | Class for querying a password from user |
CProfileReadersDialog | Class for allowing edit of profile readers list |
CSettingsDialog | Class for editing node-wide settings |
CStatusDialog | Class for displaying connections status |
▼CQIODevice | |
CAudioPlayer | Class for playback of audio stream, via speaker or other audio dev |
CAudioSource | Opposite of audiosink |
CRingtonePlayer | Class for alerting user in case of incoming call |
▼CQItemDelegate | |
CCallButtonDelegate | Class for displaying button inside table view |
▼CQObject | |
CAudioDecoder | Class for de-compressing audio received from network |
CAudioEncoder | Class for compressing audio to be sent over network |
CAudioMixer | Class for mixing together 0-n audio streams |
CCAListingModel | Model-class for helping display of classified ads |
CConnection | Class that represents a network connection |
CContentEncryptionModel | This is content-crypto-operations-specific part of the datamodel |
►CMController | Pure-virtual interface class for controller. This is spammed across parties needing access to application controller. Reason for this interface is that for testing purposes we can replace real controller with a dummy mock-up |
►CMModelProtocolInterface | Pure-virtual interface of datamodel for message parser to use |
CMockUpNodeModel | Not a real part datamodel. debugging aid |
►CModelBase | Datamodel-parts common part. this is inherited and contains common funcs |
CProfile | Carrier-class for user-profile data |
CProtocolMessageParser | Class containing routines for parsing protocol messages. Methods are mainly called from network connection instances and this class will forward the parsed protocol entities to datamodel |
CTrustTreeModel | This is is part of datamodel for trust tree related operation |
▼CQStyledItemDelegate | |
CProfileCommentItemDelegate | Class for displaying single profile comment in a list view |
▼CQTcpServer | |
CNetworkListener | Class for listening to incoming network connections |
▼CQThread | |
CNetworkConnectorEngine | Class that will initiate 1 or more network connections |
▼CQTimer | |
CNetworkRequestExecutor | Logic for handling tasks received from other peers or from user |
CPublishingEngine | Network-connection logic relating content publish demands |
CRetrievalEngine | Network-connection logic relating fetching items from DHT |
▼CQTranslator | |
CCATranslator | Class for translating strings |
▼CQWidget | |
CFrontWidget | |
CSearchModel::SearchResultItemStruct | |
CSendQueueItem | Send-queue item |
CTrustTreeModel::TrustTreeItemStruct | |
▼CVoiceCall | Carrier-class handling audio negotiation setup and data |
CVoiceCallEngine::VoiceCallExtension |