Classified ads
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /* -*-C++-*- -*-coding: utf-8-unix;-*-
2  Classified Ads is Copyright (c) Antti Järvinen 2013.
4  This file is part of Classified Ads.
6  Classified Ads is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
8  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
9  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11  Classified Ads is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14  Lesser General Public License for more details.
16  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
17  License along with Classified Ads; if not, write to the Free Software
18  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
19 */
21 #ifndef FRONT_H
22 #define FRONT_H
23 #include <QtGui>
24 #include <QGraphicsScene>
25 #include <QGraphicsTextItem>
26 #include <QGraphicsSimpleTextItem>
27 #include "ui_frontWidget.h"
28 #include "controller.h"
30 #include "datamodel/ca.h"
32 #include "datamodel/privmsg.h"
33 #include <QHeaderView>
36 #include "net/voicecallengine.h" // for VoiceCallEngine::CallState
38 class Profile ;
40 class QShortcut ;
41 class ProfileCommentModel ;
43 class FrontWidget: public QWidget {
46 public:
47  FrontWidget(Controller* aController,QMainWindow& aParent ) ;
48  ~FrontWidget() ;
50  void showDetailsOfProfile(const Hash& aFingerPrint) ;
52  void showClassifiedAd(const CA& ca) ;
54  void showSingleCommentOfProfile(const Hash aCommentFingerPrint) ;
61  static void fillCaSelectionCombobox(QComboBox& aComboBox,
62  bool isAboutComboBox,
63  MController& aController) ;
69  static QString selectedClassification(const QComboBox& aAboutCombo,
70  const QComboBox& aRegardingCombo,
71  const QComboBox& aWhereCombo,
72  const MController& aController) ;
78  void receiveNotifyOfContentReceived(const Hash& aHashOfContent,
79  const ProtocolItemType aTypeOfReceivdContent) ;
92  void receiveNotifyOfContentReceived(const Hash& aHashOfContent,
93  const Hash& aHashOfClassificationOrDestination,
94  const ProtocolItemType aTypeOfReceivdContent) ;
98  QVariant contactDataOfSelectedProfile() ;
102  QList<Hash> trustListOfSelectedProfile() const ;
106  void setContactDataOfSelectedProfile(const QVariantList& aContacts) ;
111  bool isContactInContactList(const Hash& aFingerPrint) const ;
117  return iSelectedProfile ;
118  }
123  void openBinaryFile(const Hash& aFingerPrint,
124  bool aUseViewedProfileNodeAsNetreqDest = false ) ;
125 public slots:
126  virtual void publishProfileButtonClicked() ;
127  virtual void revertProfileButtonClicked() ;
128  virtual void profileImageClicked() ;
129  virtual void profileReadersClicked() ;
130  virtual void profileEdited(const QString& aNewText) ;
131  virtual void isPrivateSettingChanged(int aState) ;
132  virtual void userProfileSelected(const Hash& aProfile) ;
133  virtual void fileToBeSharedAdded() ;
134  virtual void fileToBeSharedRemoved() ;
135  virtual void exportSharedFile() ;
136  virtual void viewSharedFileInfo() ;
137  virtual void copySharedFileHash() ;
138  virtual void editNewSharedFile() ;
139  virtual void profileSendMsgButtonClicked() ;
140  virtual void profileShowReadersButtonClicked() ;
141  virtual void profileSendCommentButtonClicked() ;
142  virtual void caTabAboutComboChanged(int aNewIndex) ;
143  virtual void caTabConcernsComboChanged(int aNewIndex) ;
144  virtual void caTabWhereComboChanged(int aNewIndex) ;
145  // slots for buttons at bottom of "classified ads" ta
146  virtual void replyToCaButtonClicked() ;
147  virtual void replyToCaToForumButtonClicked() ;
148  virtual void commentCaPosterProfile() ;
149  virtual void viewCaPosterProfile() ;
150  virtual void viewCaAttachments() ;
151  virtual void postNewClassifiedAd() ;
152  virtual void performAdsSearchClicked() ;
157  virtual void CAselectionChangedSlot(const QItemSelection &, const QItemSelection &) ;
162  virtual void privMsgselectionChangedSlot(const QItemSelection &, const QItemSelection &) ;
166  virtual void contactsSelectionChangedSlot(const QItemSelection &, const QItemSelection &) ;
167  virtual void replyToPrivMsgButtonClicked() ;
168  virtual void commentPrivMsgPosterProfile() ;
169  virtual void viewPrivMsgPosterProfile() ;
170  virtual void postNewPrivateMessage() ;
172  virtual void viewPrivMsgAttachments() ;
173  virtual void addMessageSenderToContacts() ;
174  virtual void addCaSenderToContacts() ;
175  // slots related to contacts-tab
176  virtual void addContactButtonClicked() ;
179  virtual void removeContactButtonClicked() ;
180  virtual void viewContactProfileButtonClicked() ;
181  virtual void sendMsgToContactButtonClicked() ;
182  virtual void editContactActionSelected() ;
187  virtual void ownProfileCommentselectionChangedSlot(const QItemSelection &, const QItemSelection &) ;
192  virtual void viewedProfileCommentselectionChangedSlot(const QItemSelection &, const QItemSelection &) ;
197  virtual void viewedProfileCommentDoubleClicked(const QModelIndex &aSelection) ;
202  virtual void viewedProfileCommentKeyPressed() ;
207  virtual void ownProfileCommentDoubleClicked(const QModelIndex &aSelection) ;
211  virtual void linkActivated ( const QString &aLink ) ;
216  virtual void ownBinaryFileSelectionChangedSlot(const QModelIndex &aItem, const QModelIndex &aPreviousItem) ;
221  virtual void viewedBinaryFileSelectionChangedSlot(const QModelIndex &aItem, const QModelIndex &aPreviousItem) ;
235  const Hash aHashOfAttemptedNode );
240  void voiceCallButtonPressed() ;
245  void callStateChanged(quint32 aCallId,
246  VoiceCallEngine::CallState aState) ;
247 signals:
249  const QString& aExplanation) ;
251  void displayedCaChanged() ;
253  void displayedPrivMsgChanged() ;
254 private:
269  void setupClassifiedAdsTab() ;
275  void setupPrivateMessagesTab() ;
279  void setupContactsTab() ;
285  void selectClassification(QString aNameOfClassification) ;
300  ProfileCommentModel& aCommentModel,
301  const Hash& aInitialComment,
302  const Hash& aViewedProfile ) ;
303 private: // methods
304  void setCaDocumentSize() ;
305  void setPrivMsgSize() ;
306  void doShowFileMetadata(const Hash& aBinaryFileFingerPrint) ;
307  void setVoiceCallButtonStatus() ;
308 private:
309  Ui::frontWidget ui ;
311  QMainWindow& iParent ;
327  QPushButton* iReplyToCaButton ;
328  QPushButton* iReplyToCaToForumButton ;
330  QPushButton* iNewCaButton ;
332  QPushButton* iCommentCaPosterButton ;
339  QGraphicsScene iCaScene ;
340  QGraphicsTextItem iCaText ;
342  QGraphicsSimpleTextItem iFromField ;
343  QGraphicsSimpleTextItem iSubjectField ;
344  const QPoint iArticleTopLeft ;
345  // private message tab related variables
348  QGraphicsScene iPrivMsgScene ;
349  QGraphicsTextItem iPrivMsgText ;
350  QGraphicsSimpleTextItem iPrivMsgFromField ;
351  QGraphicsSimpleTextItem iPrivMsgSubjectField ;
352  const QPoint iPrivMsgTopLeft ;
353  QPushButton* iReplyToPrivMsgButton;
354  QPushButton* iNewPrivMsgButton ;
359  // variables related to contacts-list
363  // variables related to profile-comment display
380 } ;
381 #endif
virtual void viewedProfileCommentselectionChangedSlot(const QItemSelection &, const QItemSelection &)
QAction * iAddToContactsFromCaList
Definition: FrontWidget.h:337
Definition: FrontWidget.h:43
QList< Hash > trustListOfSelectedProfile() const
Carrier-class for private msg inside classified ads.
Definition: privmsg.h:36
Class for keeping app state.
Definition: controller.h:76
Hash iSelectedContact
Definition: FrontWidget.h:361
virtual void viewContactProfileButtonClicked()
QMainWindow & iParent
Definition: FrontWidget.h:311
void updateFileSelectionActions()
virtual void fileToBeSharedRemoved()
CA iCaOnDisplay
Definition: FrontWidget.h:341
virtual void addCaSenderToContacts()
QShortcut * iProfileListingKeyboardGrabber
Definition: FrontWidget.h:368
Hash iSelectedCommentFromOwnCommentListing
Definition: FrontWidget.h:366
void voiceCallButtonPressed()
void setPrivMsgSize()
QPushButton * iReplyToCaToForumButton
Definition: FrontWidget.h:328
virtual void addMessageSenderToContacts()
PrivMessage iPrivMsgOnDisplay
Definition: FrontWidget.h:347
void updateUiFromSelectedProfile()
void doShowFileMetadata(const Hash &aBinaryFileFingerPrint)
virtual void privMsgselectionChangedSlot(const QItemSelection &, const QItemSelection &)
QGraphicsScene iCaScene
Definition: FrontWidget.h:339
ProfileCommentListingModel iViewedProfileCommentListingModel
Definition: FrontWidget.h:365
This is is part of datamodel for storing comments of user profiles.
Definition: profilecommentmodel.h:38
virtual void postNewClassifiedAd()
void nodeConnectionAttemptStatus(Connection::ConnectionState aStatus, const Hash aHashOfAttemptedNode)
static void fillCaSelectionCombobox(QComboBox &aComboBox, bool isAboutComboBox, MController &aController)
QAction * iEditNewSharedFileAction
Definition: FrontWidget.h:319
virtual void caTabWhereComboChanged(int aNewIndex)
QPushButton * iViewCaPosterProfileButton
Definition: FrontWidget.h:334
virtual void copySharedFileHash()
void updateUiFromViewedProfile()
virtual void addContactButtonClicked()
virtual void exportSharedFile()
QPushButton * iCommentCaPosterButton
Definition: FrontWidget.h:332
virtual void profileImageClicked()
Profile * iSelectedProfile
Definition: FrontWidget.h:312
QGraphicsTextItem iCaText
Definition: FrontWidget.h:340
CAListingModel iCaListingModel
Definition: FrontWidget.h:338
QPushButton * iNewCaButton
Definition: FrontWidget.h:330
Hash is class that carries 160-bit digest.
Definition: hash.h:38
Definition: mcontroller.h:52
Model-class for helping display of classified ads.
Definition: calistingmodel.h:35
virtual void addContactFromContactViewButtonClicked()
void setupPrivateMessagesTab()
Hash iSelectedCommentFromViewedCommentListing
Definition: FrontWidget.h:367
virtual void caTabAboutComboChanged(int aNewIndex)
Profile * iViewedProfile
Definition: FrontWidget.h:313
QAction * iEditContactAction
Definition: FrontWidget.h:362
QGraphicsSimpleTextItem iFromField
Definition: FrontWidget.h:342
void displayedPrivMsgChanged()
void setupContactsTab()
QGraphicsTextItem iPrivMsgText
Definition: FrontWidget.h:349
PrivateMessageSearchModel iPrivMsgSearchModel
Definition: FrontWidget.h:346
Definition: connection.h:47
QGraphicsSimpleTextItem iPrivMsgSubjectField
Definition: FrontWidget.h:351
virtual void replyToCaToForumButtonClicked()
Definition: protocol.h:150
virtual void profileSendMsgButtonClicked()
QPushButton * iViewPrivMsgAttachmentsButton
Definition: FrontWidget.h:357
virtual void viewPrivMsgAttachments()
virtual void editContactActionSelected()
virtual void userProfileSelected(const Hash &aProfile)
virtual void commentPrivMsgPosterProfile()
QPushButton * iNewPrivMsgButton
Definition: FrontWidget.h:354
QGraphicsSimpleTextItem iSubjectField
Definition: FrontWidget.h:343
bool isContactInContactList(const Hash &aFingerPrint) const
Model-class for helping display of shared binary blobs, usually from a profile.
Definition: binaryfilelistingmodel.h:34
Hash iSelectedOwnBinaryFile
Definition: FrontWidget.h:374
virtual void isPrivateSettingChanged(int aState)
QPushButton * iCommentPrivMsgPosterButton
Definition: FrontWidget.h:355
virtual void profileSendCommentButtonClicked()
QPushButton * iViewPrivMsgPosterProfileButton
Definition: FrontWidget.h:356
virtual void profileEdited(const QString &aNewText)
void activateProfileCommentDisplay(ProfileCommentListingModel *aListingModel, ProfileCommentModel &aCommentModel, const Hash &aInitialComment, const Hash &aViewedProfile)
Carrier-class for classified ad.
Definition: ca.h:35
void receiveNotifyOfContentReceived(const Hash &aHashOfContent, const ProtocolItemType aTypeOfReceivdContent)
virtual void viewPrivMsgPosterProfile()
virtual void commentCaPosterProfile()
Profile * selectedProfile() const
Definition: FrontWidget.h:116
void displayedCaChanged()
Pure-virtual interface class for controller. This is spammed across parties needing access to applica...
Definition: mcontroller.h:43
Model-class for performing search on private messages. This is supposed to act as an underlying data-...
Definition: privmsgsearchmodel.h:36
virtual void removeContactButtonClicked()
void setContactDataOfSelectedProfile(const QVariantList &aContacts)
void error(MController::CAErrorSituation aError, const QString &aExplanation)
virtual void replyToPrivMsgButtonClicked()
virtual void profileReadersClicked()
virtual void profileShowReadersButtonClicked()
Hash iSelectedViewedProfileBinaryfile
Definition: FrontWidget.h:379
void showSingleCommentOfProfile(const Hash aCommentFingerPrint)
virtual void revertProfileButtonClicked()
ContactListingModel iContactsModel
Definition: FrontWidget.h:360
void showDetailsOfProfile(const Hash &aFingerPrint)
Ui::frontWidget ui
Definition: FrontWidget.h:309
virtual void replyToCaButtonClicked()
Definition: mvoicecallengine.h:38
const QPoint iPrivMsgTopLeft
Definition: FrontWidget.h:352
virtual void performAdsSearchClicked()
virtual void ownBinaryFileSelectionChangedSlot(const QModelIndex &aItem, const QModelIndex &aPreviousItem)
virtual void viewCaPosterProfile()
virtual void viewedProfileCommentDoubleClicked(const QModelIndex &aSelection)
static QString selectedClassification(const QComboBox &aAboutCombo, const QComboBox &aRegardingCombo, const QComboBox &aWhereCombo, const MController &aController)
QPushButton * iViewCaAttachmentsButton
Definition: FrontWidget.h:336
const QPoint iArticleTopLeft
Definition: FrontWidget.h:344
void callStateChanged(quint32 aCallId, VoiceCallEngine::CallState aState)
QPushButton * iReplyToCaButton
Definition: FrontWidget.h:327
QAction * iExportSharedFileAction
Definition: FrontWidget.h:316
virtual void viewSharedFileInfo()
virtual void publishProfileButtonClicked()
FrontWidget(Controller *aController, QMainWindow &aParent)
virtual void fileToBeSharedAdded()
virtual void viewedProfileCommentKeyPressed()
void setCaDocumentSize()
virtual void sendMsgToContactButtonClicked()
Model-class for performing search on contact-list contacts This is supposed to act as an underlying d...
Definition: contactlistingmodel.h:36
void openBinaryFile(const Hash &aFingerPrint, bool aUseViewedProfileNodeAsNetreqDest=false)
void showClassifiedAd(const CA &ca)
QAction * iViewSharedFileInfoAction
Definition: FrontWidget.h:317
virtual void postNewPrivateMessage()
QPushButton * iReplyToPrivMsgButton
Definition: FrontWidget.h:353
virtual void ownProfileCommentselectionChangedSlot(const QItemSelection &, const QItemSelection &)
QGraphicsScene iPrivMsgScene
Definition: FrontWidget.h:348
virtual void linkActivated(const QString &aLink)
virtual void contactsSelectionChangedSlot(const QItemSelection &, const QItemSelection &)
void selectClassification(QString aNameOfClassification)
bool iWindowSizeAdjusted
Definition: FrontWidget.h:369
QVariant contactDataOfSelectedProfile()
QAction * iCopySharedFileHashAction
Definition: FrontWidget.h:318
QAction * iAddToContactsFromMsgList
Definition: FrontWidget.h:358
virtual void viewCaAttachments()
virtual void viewedBinaryFileSelectionChangedSlot(const QModelIndex &aItem, const QModelIndex &aPreviousItem)
Carrier-class for user-profile data.
Definition: profile.h:37
BinaryFileListingModel * iViewedProfileFileListingModel
Definition: FrontWidget.h:326
Controller * iController
Definition: FrontWidget.h:310
void setVoiceCallButtonStatus()
ProfileCommentListingModel iSelectedProfileCommentListingModel
Definition: FrontWidget.h:364
QAction * iAddSharedFileAction
Definition: FrontWidget.h:314
virtual void caTabConcernsComboChanged(int aNewIndex)
virtual void CAselectionChangedSlot(const QItemSelection &, const QItemSelection &)
BinaryFileListingModel * iSelectedProfileFileListingModel
Definition: FrontWidget.h:323
void setupClassifiedAdsTab()
virtual void ownProfileCommentDoubleClicked(const QModelIndex &aSelection)
virtual void editNewSharedFile()
QAction * iRemoveSharedFileAction
Definition: FrontWidget.h:315
QGraphicsSimpleTextItem iPrivMsgFromField
Definition: FrontWidget.h:350
Model-class for performing search on comments about a profile. This is supposed to act as an underlyi...
Definition: profilecommentlistingmodel.h:36
void setUpSelectedProfileFileListingModel()