Privacy statement from authors of Classified Ads computer program

Authors of classified ads computer program deeply respect privacy of individuals and organizations who decide to use the program. Due to this reason it is here stated that
However, users should be aware of nature of the program that is a messaging application. Individual messages or operator profiles, public or private are sent over network to computers of message recipients. Private data is encrypted during transmit and storage. By design principle transmitting and storing happens in distributed manner, between computers of each user and there is no central organization or individual who would transmit or store messages or other data that user decides to share using the program.

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Please send further questions via e-mail to Antti Järvinen or via classified-ads to operator address 6AC2D159AB3A0B0F241DD6D12E4A1673588DD0E8

Last modified: Sat Aug 25 16:14:14 EEST 2018